How To Develop An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy To Increase Conversions & Revenue Fast

 To quote the famous writer and philosopher Sun Tzu, “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." When speaking about an effective marketing strategy, the marketplace is a war zone and in order to defeat it, you need to strategize. 

The first and most important step you need to take to create an effective marketing strategy is to, well, take the time to actually create it. There’s no execution without good planning. But reading this article is a great stepping stone, because we will help you get to know various marketing strategies, and then you can choose the right ones for your business. So, in order to start planning your strategy, first you need to answer two important questions:

To WHOM do you market?

What is the GOAL you wish to achieve with the campaign?

Adopting any marketing strategy without knowing your target audience is “a needle in the haystack” scenario -- or, an even better metaphor would be "the broken clock." Sure, you might be right two times in one day, but what about the other 22 incorrect times? Especially when you know that each “time,” every wrong strategy you employ costs you time or money without any results in sight.

Get to know the people interested in your brand, understand why they like your brand, and definitely invest in learning why other consumers don't gravitate towards your services or products. You might even discover that it takes so little to rectify the wrongs and increase the customer acquisition numbers! When you know who your audience is, then you can easily target them and increase the conversion rates by catering your strategy to the best-performing groups. You can’t employ random marketing strategies and just hope some will stick.

Different goals require different approaches. Without a clear goal, you cannot measure your success, let alone improve it by optimizing your campaign. Before choosing the approach, think about the objectives. For example, do you really need to focus your resources and energy on promoting your brand on Facebook just to get extra likes? Perhaps it would be more lucrative to invest more in conversion rate optimizing.

What Makes A Marketing Strategy Effective?

What can you really do about finding the right marketing strategies? Well, as it turns out – a lot. First, asking yourself "how" is a good approach to fleshing out a successful marketing strategy. There’s a saying that perfectly sums up the marketing strategy effectiveness: "What's the use of running if you are not on the right road."

So, what is the right road? Setting and reaching your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), for starters. And let’s not forget the conversion rates. Those two items are the bread and butter of an effective marketing strategy, and to reach them you need to first determine what’s important for your business and select the right strategic measures. If you don’t know how, here are some pointers:

Use facts and be objective.

This is probably the number one mistake when it comes to strategic planning and marketing. There are no gut feelings and it’s not important what you personally think, but rather whether campaign brings results or not. Don’t push content that you like just because you like it - that’s why we have performance indicators in the first place. The market creates the demand, and you just need to fill it.

Measure the progress.

Once you set up a goal, you need to measure its performance. If you run the lead acquisition campaign, measure newsletter signups. If you want to increase sales (and who doesn’t?), measure the revenue increase after the campaign, and so on. Digital marketing is so effective because everything is measurable.   

Set goals.

It’s like leveling up – by constantly challenging yourself and reaching the milestones, you will grow your experience and achieve success. Set multiple short-term goals that will over time combine and help you achieve the long-term goals.

Be realistic.

No, you probably cannot execute all plans at once. Prioritize and constantly re-check your budget.  


Use A/B testing, push the same content with different copy, narrow or widen your audience, discover new potential customer groups, enrich content with new keywords, etc. to capture new consumers and engage your existing users. 

The Most Effective Marketing Strategy For Your Business Goals

Digital Marketing Strategy Business Laptop Icons

Digital marketing enables businesses to connect to their consumers quickly and easily online.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses all online (digital) marketing activities like social media, blogging, influencer marketing, email marketing, paid advertising, SEO efforts, strategy analyses and measurements, and everything in between.

Search Engine Optimization

Before you start marketing a product or a service, people must be able to find you first. That’s where the search engine optimization comes in. People don’t generally see SEO for what it is – a list of good practices that aim to bring better user experience and make an online presentation more unified. But by following the guidelines, you will easily achieve better results.

Search engines (especially Google) are user-centric. They are here to serve the customers and provide a fair and level playing field for the brands to compete on. The website that best encompasses all search engine optimization guidelines will reap the reward.

Does SEO work? Let’s look at these statistics:

Search engines drive more website traffic to websites -- 300 percent more than social media.

Google was responsible for 79 percent of all search traffic in 2017, Bing pulled 7.3 percent, Baidu 6.5 percent, and Yahoo 5 percent.

More than 93 percent of traffic comes from search engines.

Approximately 75 percent of people never go to the second page of search results.

More than 21 percent of searchers click on more than one search engine result.

How To Use SEO As An Effective Marketing Strategy

First, use long-tail keywords. It’s easier to be number one for a specific niche than to optimize for a single keyword. More than 50 percent of search queries are longer than four words. Plus, if you optimize content for the long-tail keywords, you automatically optimize all the single keywords in it.

Use long posts (also when doing guest post outreach), because long content ranks better – it aligns with the high-quality content signal because it brings real value to users and more in-depth knowledge of the subject. (Hey, even we are doing it with our articles!) Improving content quality can increase blog traffic by even 2000 percent, which adds an additional SEO boost, too. Search engines take into account signals like time spent on the website – the more people read your content, the longer they’ll stay on the page, which means they find value in what they’re reading. The more this happens, the higher you can rank.

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